R e g i o n & s i n g l e v i n e y a r d s


T h e r e g i o n

The wine town of Poysdorf is located in the gently undulating landscape of the Weinviertel, around 60 kilometers north-east of Vienna on the way to Brno. Wine has been produced here since the 14th century. The dominant loess soils and mild climate are characteristic of the region and create the perfect conditions for producing exceptional wines, especially Grüner Veltliner and Pinot Blanc.

Loess deposits up to 15 meters deep are the basis for fertile, water-retaining soils on which Grüner Veltliner and Burgundy varieties in particular thrive. The terrace sediments of limestone, gravel and sand lend the wines minerality, character and independence.

Today, the vines, some of which are over 60 years old, are cultivated organically (certification from 2024) – through the use of natural vineyard greening, alternative pest control or sustainable vineyard grazing with the help of sheep.

Traditional Austrian wineries


In 2024, as part of a group of 13 wineries from the Weinviertel region, we were proudly accepted into the prestigious Association of Austrian Traditional Wine Estates (ÖTW). This award underlines our shared commitment to the highest quality and the tradition of winegrowing in one of Austria’s most exciting wine regions. As new members, we look forward to contributing our unique wines to the long tradition of the ÖTW and bringing the diversity of the Weinviertel region to a wider audience.


W e i ß e r B e r g

The Weißer Berg fen lies to the north of Poysdorf to the left and right of the road to Brünn and reaches as far north as the Gsolbach stream. The orientation of the reed is distributed relatively evenly from northeast to south to southwest, with a slight predominance of northeast orientation. The subsoil consists of marl that is around 18 – 19 million years old, but is largely covered by loess or loess loam. The soil is a cultivated raw soil or a black earth from loess or a colluvium from washed away material. One possible explanation for the name is that for a long time, winegrowers worshipped the Roman god of wine, Dionysius, for whom they erected a symbolic gravestone every year in memory by painting a stone in the vineyard white (the color of mourning in ancient Rome) after the harvest in autumn. The “Weißer Berg” vineyard can already be found in the Franziszeische Land Register from 1821.

weisser berg

H e r m a n n s c h a c h e r n

The Ried Hermannschachern, which is mainly south-facing, is characterized by very different slopes and differences in altitude of up to 70 m. The name refers on the one hand to a former owner named Hermann, and on the other hand a “Schache” used to refer to individual patches of forest that still exist today both within and adjacent to the reed. The vines are rooted in predominantly fine-grained marine sediments that are around 15 million years old, but are largely covered by loess or loess loam. On loess lies a calcareous, dry cultivated soil with low to moderate water retention capacity. The name “Hörmannstschachern” can be found in the Franziszeische Land Register from 1821, although it was already mentioned in a document in 1353 (“Hörmannschachern”).


N e i d h a r d e n


T e n n

The Ried Tenn is located in the cadastral municipality of Ketzelsdorf with a predominantly north-eastern to south-eastern orientation and is characterized by flat terrain. The name “Tenn” refers to a threshing floor (“Tenne”) in an open field. The vines here grow on loess or loess loam, the soil is a calcareous cuturro soil of loamy silt. Loess is calcareous rock dust (silt) that was blown here from the Alpine region during the cold phases of the Ice Age, when there was little vegetation, and now forms a loamy-sandy, always calcareous soil with good storage capacity and a balanced chemical and mineralogical composition. The Ried is already mentioned under this name in the Franziszeische Land Register from 1821.


M a x e n d o r f


S t e i g e l b e r g


H ö b e r t s g r u b
