I m p r i n t
Responsible for the content of the homepage
Taubenschuss Winery
Taubenschuss GmbH
Körnergasse 2
2170 Poysdorf
Phone: +43 (0)676 7035 328
E-mail: weingut@taubenschuss.at
Object of the company: Winery
UID number: ATU78533614
GLN: 9007353000009
Company register number: FN 587881 g
Company register court: Poysdorf
Registered office: 2170 Poysdorf
Content of the website
The contents of the Taubenschuss Winery presentation are made available for viewing on the Internet. If you intend to use the content in any other way, in particular for commercial purposes, you undertake to obtain our consent.
The texts of the Internet presentation are the intellectual property of Weingut Taubenschuss and are therefore protected under § 2 para. 3 of the Copyright Act.
External references
You will also find links to other Internet presentations on our website. We accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the content presented there and the links to other presentations, as we have no influence whatsoever on the content. The operators of these linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
Design of the website
Cococom Werbeagentur e.U.
Gumpendorfer Straße 5/8, 1060 Vienna